Capps Manufacturing is an experienced sheet metal processing facility in Wichita, KS providing aircraft sheet metal part finishing & testing. Our aircraft sheet metal fabrication capabilities and equipment allow us to complete many components in-house from start to finish. Since 1983, we’ve served business, commercial and military aircraft companies all over the world.

OEM Approved Processes List

Small Rule

Aircraft Sheet Metal Processing Services

Capps Aluminum Heat Treatment

Aluminum Heat Treat

Heat treatment is used to add strength, increase ductility, improve hardness and relieve internal stress for aluminum and its alloys.

Capps Manufacturing’s Despatch heat treating furnace processes aluminum material up to 60″ wide x 198″ long x 156″ high. The furnace is also used for solution age hardening and partial annealing of aluminum as well as stress relieving.

We have four age ovens for aging aluminum alloys. Age hardening of aluminum sheet is restricted to the following work zone measurements:

  • Gehnrich – 60″ wide x 360″ long x 96″ high
  • OSI – 70″ wide x 90″ long x 72″ high
  • Depatch (2) – 34″ wide x 36″ long x 35″ high

Our ovens are certified to run parts per AMS 2770, BAC5602, AMS-H-6088, CSMP003, C-0521, MPS168-07, LES1051, GAMP5108 and multiple other customer specifications.

Chem Treatment

Alodine or Chem Film Capabilities

Alodine is a type of chem film. This procedure chemically applies a protective chromate coating on aluminum through immersion. There are several benefits:

  • Good corrosion protection
  • Excellent conductive surface
  • Provides good adhesion for painting
  • Adds no weight
  • Maintains pre-process dimensions

Our part envelope for chem film is 240 in. long by 40 in. wide by 84 in. deep.

Capps Chem Film

Anodize Capabilities

Anodizing is an electrolytic process used to coat parts with a protective oxide layer. This increases resistance to corrosion and wear while providing better adhesion for paint primers than bare metal.

Capps Manufacturing is capable of performing three different anodizing processes:

  • Boric sulfuric acid anodizing, BSAA
  • Chromic acid anodizing, or CAA
  • Sulfuric acid anodizing (SAA)

Our part envelope for anodizing is 240 in. long by 40 in. wide by 84 in. deep.

Capp Manufacturing Penetrant Inspection

Penetrant Inspection

Penetrant inspection is a non-destructive testing process using dye to find defects, flaws, or leaks in a material. A penetrant inspection will show the presence, location, size, and nature of the defects that are open to the surface but too small to be seen by a normal visual inspection.

Capps Manufacturing’s penetrant inspection facilities and equipment are some of the most up-to-date in the industry, featuring:

  • Penetrant tank   12′ x 3′ x 3′
  • Developer tank   12′ x 3′ x 3′
  • Inspection booth 12′ x 6 x 12′
  • Dryer 18′ x 3′ x 4′
Primer Topcoat

Aerospace Primer & Topcoat Service

The topcoat is the final coating layer on a component. It usually provides the color or finish desired. Primer increases the adhesion of the topcoat or paint to aircraft sheet metal parts.

Some of the specifications for primer and topcoat application offered by Capps Manufacturing include:

  • BAC 5736, BAC 5793, BAC 5710, BAC 5755
  • CSFS 084, CSFS 007
  • RPS 13.97, RPS 13.98, RPS 13.75
  • MIL-F-18264, MIL-PRF-85582